
I can honestly say Prime is one of the best deals out there for me. (Score: 1)

by in Amazon increases free shipping minimum order to $49 on 2016-02-26 21:06 (#1598E)

Sure it costs quite a bit once a year - but I more than make it back. Every time I order something I'll look for "Prime Only" and verify that against stuff that may happen to have free shipping otherwise. The first year I used it I saved enough on shipping bicycle parts alone to justify its existence. Throw in the movies and TV shows I get with the Prime membership it runs the value up a lot, I generally am anti-music streaming (I'm an ogg hoarder) but I used the Prime streaming one day and actually found a new band to listen to.

If you order from them more than four to six times in a year I would say it's absolutely worth getting.

Re: not enough to matter (Score: 1)

by in Verizon, Sprint customers to get refunds for fraudulent "cramming" charges on 2015-05-15 15:25 (#945Q)

150 Million is enough to catch any businesses attention, 150 Billion can't be covered without destroying any business I know of, including big oil and Apple.

The goal - they're going to have to justify a lack of 150 Million in value to their stock holders.Start threatening Sprint with having to explain their spastic coverage and Verizon with their data-caps that keep subscribers away in the package and everything should be good.